Revenue Engine Consulting
Revenue is best grown holistically. And that is how eye4growth helps clients assess what needs to be done. It is not one size fits all. But there are certain elements that can fuel your revenue engine, sometimes with small tweaks or tuning, and in other cases with more foundational support. Areas that we might dig into together could include:
Your value proposition – what problem are you solving and for whom?
Your differentiation – why are you better than competitors or the status quo?
Alignment between the teams central to revenue growth.
Current go-to-market structure and philosophy.
The processes and technologies that support and automate revenue attainment.
Measurement and whether it is backward looking or predictive.
Your investments in growth; how they have been deployed and what the ROI of those investments is looking like.
We bring equal parts “storytelling and spreadsheets” blending the science and art of marketing and sales. The discovery process will help diagnose your current situation and identify strengths and areas that may need improvement. A prioritized plan will provide the roadmap for developing the right approach for your business and teams, setting up revenue growth with sustainable scalable foundations.
Delivery can be in the context of a project or as a fractional Chief Marketing Officer with a deeper level of engagement.

Coaching for Growth

It’s always about the people, isn’t it? The leader can make or break a plan or system, no matter how well designed. Coaching for growth is a two-sided approach.
We coach and advise marketers and sales leaders on how to drive growth and build great teams who can deliver results.
We coach and advise CEOs who want to be strong inspirational leaders for their revenue teams and who understand they may not understand all that needs to happen to make revenue a reality.
While the coaching we deliver is always customized I use the FUEL model to ensure we have
Framed the purpose, process, and desired outcomes
Have a solid understanding of the current situation and history
Explored the options and articulated the desired state
Have laid the path forward with specific tasks and milestones
Personal growth begets company growth. Let’s make that happen for you and your company.